Paranomaly Hosts

My name is Todd Wayne and I’ve been researching and investigating the paranormal for over 25 years. My first paranormal experience happened in 1981 but my paranormal journey didn’t officially start until 1996. Then In 2004 I became the founder and owner of Pasco Paranormal Research Society in Pasco County Florida and run a successful and credible Paranormal Research and Investigation Team focusing on Business and Residential clients. I was also a Director of the National Paranormal Societies, Aliens and UFOs Department for a spell. I stepped down from Pasco Paranormal Research Society in 2018 to focus on my own life’s journey. Throughout those years I’ve researched and investigated hundreds of paranormal claims at locations throughout the state of Florida. During that time, I’ve encountered many strange anomalies and have compiled some very compelling evidence from my paranormal journeys. Now after all these years, I’d like to share my thoughts, opinions, stories and encounters about all things paranormal

Todd Wayne


My name is Roni Healan and I am from Savannah Georgia. I am a Sensitive and Empath and I’ve been researching and investigating the paranormal for over 25 years. My first paranormal experience happened in 1979 when I was twelve, deceased family members would come to me in visions and dreams to give me messages and it became more frequent after my mother & I moved from Florida to the town of my birth. I was constantly seeing ghostly figures and being visited by spirits. Ive always been drawn to cemeteries and would often hang out at Bonaventure Cemetery as a teenager and rather than be spooked, I was always at peace there. As a sensitive, there’s not many places one can go in Savannah, GA without having some sort of an experience.

I’ve been a member of a few paranormal teams and have investigated several well known places such as Ashmore Estates, in IL, Poasttown Elementary in Ohio, and several visits to Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville, KY as well as a few private homes in Savannah and places in Tennessee. I’m excited to be on this new adventure with my beloved, Todd and talking with other’s like myself about all things Paranormal. I believe that we are not alone on this planet and I am always fascinated to hear others stories and see their evidence and discuss it.

Roni Healan



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